

Franchising Feijão Verde

In addition to being the largest network Indoor Fun Parks; distributed from north to south of Portugal, we are proud to provide you with the Best Fun in the World! In Feijão Verde Fun Parks, families find a quality alternative to moments of great fun, joy and discovery. Whether it's a short or long visit, the variety of equipments and solutions that our Fun Parks feature makes fun never run out. The Birthday Parties are, also, the Best in the World! After much joy, running, slips, jumps, games and other games comes the time to sing Happy Birthday and delight yourself with everything good that the table presents: personalized and tasty cakes, fruit, pizzas, donuts, popcorn, jelly and much more ... making our lunch's irresistible attractions. And, as if that were not enough, the party can be all personalized and enhanced with activities or decorations that will surprise you: face painting, balloon modelling, photo shoots, garlands, pinnacles, etc. We look forward to meeting you. See ya!

What are the advantages of our Franchising?

• Experience and know how of the Franchisor;

• Strong corporate image and visual identity of the Feijão Verde brand;

• Innovation and exclusivity: the largest and strongest Portuguese network in the entertainment, leisure and entertainment sector and pedagogical accompaniment;

• Initial formation;

• Fully tested and proven services and products in several of our own units over the last 5 years;

• Extensively tested and effective management procedures: extensive experience of the management team;

• Easily manageable business regardless of investor profile;

• Permanent support, during the duration of the contract;

• Total control of the business: from initial project to production, through structured support to each unit;

• A business with proven profitability. The child is now the center of the family attention.

For more information about the franchising project of Feijão Verde brand, send your message to


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