All aboard! Fill up the inflatable! Prepare the slide! Everything is all set, Captain! Now yes, Father, Mother can climb up and embark on this fantastic trip to the enchanted world of Feijão Verde Fun Park. When boarding, a huge smile and when leaving a big hug. Between one moment and another, we are sure that we are going to have a great time. Feijão Verde Fun park of Alverca, the journey is full of excitement, the destination is your biggest smile. Until now.
Alfândega Park,
Quinta da Verdelha Ed. D, LJ 2.2,
Alverca do Ribatejo
Google Maps
info@feijao-verde.com911 860 007
Segunda a Sexta: 10h - 13h | 14h - 19h
Sábado a Domingo: 9h - 13h | 14h - 18h
Monday to Friday:
Reception: 2 PM - 7 PM
Fun Park: 2PM - 6PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 1 PM | 2 PM - 7 PM
Sunday and Holiday: 10 AM - 1 PM | 2 PM - 7 PM
December 25th and January 1st: Closed