Almada Negreiros said, and we agreed, that "When some people have the same misfortune, they come together". But as optimistic as we are, we take advantage of the expression by making a small variation on it, which quickly became the motto for our whole adventure: When some people have the same luck, they come together. Initially, the mother Telma had the LUCK of not knowing where to hold Rodrigo's birthday party. We had the lucky idea of ​​creating a Fun Park. Two LUCKS came together and culminated in a LUCKY ANIMATION. Today Feijão Verde Fun Park is lucky to be spread all over the country and travel from one to another with only one goal: Celebrate with you the best day of your life! From the Alto Minho to the Alentejo, from you, to your parents, we do not distinguish between ages, everyone has the right to a have LUCKY ANIMATION.

Feijão Verde Fun Park is equipped with the best fun in the world and so you can have the best birthday party in the world.

What are you waiting for? Come play and shout out loud with us: Feijão Verde is cool!

Visit us at your Feijão Verde Fun Park in your city.


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